All we can do now is wait.
06-11-2012, 14:21News / Sports, PoliticsPermalinkDan and I voted around 1:30 this afternoon. We were told by a poll worker that 1200 people are registered to vote in our precinct and 600 had already voted, including 150 who were waiting in line when the building opened this morning. What does that mean? Maybe nothing, maybe a lot. We shall see.
Do you have to be stupid to work at CNN ...
09-11-2010, 11:05News / SportsPermalink... or is it just considered a plus?
What is the point of writing "SPOILER ALERT" below the winner's name -- especially when his picture is also included at the top of the article?
iTunes is currently playing: The Name Of The Game from the album Mamma Mia! by Amanda Seyfried & Stellan Skarsgard.
Road Signs (AKA "Our tax dollars at work!")
14-07-2010, 23:36News / Sports, PoliticsPermalink
As the midterm election season approaches, new road signs are popping up everywhere – millions of dollars worth of signs touting "The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act" and reminding passers-by that the program is "Putting America Back to Work."
On the road leading to Dulles Airport outside Washington, DC there's a 10' x 11' road sign touting a runway improvement project funded by the federal stimulus. The project cost nearly $15 million and has created 17 jobs, according to However, there's another number that caught the eye of ABC News: $10,000. That's how much money the Washington Airports Authority tells ABC News it spent to make and install the sign – a single sign – announcing that the project is "Funded by The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act" and is "Putting America Back to Work." The money for the sign was taken out of the budget for the runway improvement project.
ABC News has reached out to a number of states about spending on stimulus signs and learned the state of Illinois has spent $650,000 on about 950 signs and Pennsylvania has spent $157,000 on 70 signs. Jill Zuckman of the Department of Transportation said, "The best estimate is that states have spent about $5 million of the $28 billion spent on road projects on signs.
Congressman Aaron Schock (R-IL) has joined the chorus of Republican outrage over stimulus signs and claims at least $20 million has been spent on them. He told ABC News, "I think it's a bit of an oxymoron to spend tens of millions of dollars of taxpayer money, borrowed money, on a bunch of signs to tell them how we are spending their taxpayer money."
iTunes is currently playing: Give It Away from the album Also Known As Mary by Quincy Coleman.>
Only in L.A. ...
26-04-2010, 23:56News / SportsPermalink... would people be upset that the government wants to kill feral bees.
iTunes is currently playing: Honey For The Bees from the album Alf by Alison Moyet.
I am woman! Hear me ROAR!
19-04-2010, 13:44News / Sports, Religion/EthicsPermalinkAnd watch me make the earth move!
Iranian cleric: Women who wear revealing clothing cause earthquakesFrom an article by MAIL FOREIGN SERVICE
Last updated at 3:39 PM on 19th April 2010
A senior Iranian cleric says women who wear revealing clothing and behave promiscuously are to blame for earthquakes.iTunes is currently playing: I Feel The Earth Move from the album Tapestry by Carole King.'Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes,' Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media.
Women in the Islamic Republic are required by law to cover from head to toe, but many, especially the young, ignore some of the more strict codes and wear tight coats and scarves pulled back that show much of the hair.
Iran is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries, and the cleric's unusual explanation for why the earth shakes follows a prediction by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that a quake is certain to hit Tehran and that many of its 12 million inhabitants should relocate.
Seismologists have warned for at least two decades that it is likely the sprawling capital will be struck by a catastrophic quake in the near future. Some experts have even suggested Iran should move its capital to a less seismically active location. Tehran straddles scores of fault lines, including one more than 50 miles (80 kilometres) long, though it has not suffered a major quake since 1830.
Time to book a cruise.
06-02-2010, 12:13Cruising, Family / Misc. Personal, News / SportsPermalinkIt started about 5 p.m. yesterday. Still coming down at noon.
This is our back deck. Our estimate: at least 20" on the patio table.
Open the front door and this is what you see.
Looking out the front window. Our poor little cars. But at least we have learned to move our cars up toward the top of the driveway (near the street) when snow is predicted.
iTunes is currently playing: Snow Is Lightly Falling from the album Winter Solstice On Ice by Nightnoise.
The man needs a teleprompter ...
25-01-2010, 11:07News / Sports, PoliticsPermalink... to speak to a bunch of grade school kids?? OMG ...
iTunes is currently playing: Speak Like A Child from the album The Singular Adventures Of The Style Council by The Style Council.
How to ensure that the travel industry ...
04-01-2010, 19:29News / Sports, TravelPermalink... never recovers from the recession:

Does this make you want to jump on a plane?
iTunes is currently playing: Outbound Plane from the album Aces by Suzy Bogguss.
The Brits get it.
03-12-2009, 00:20News / SportsPermalinkThey understand we've been sold a bill of goods by the global warming folks. When are we going to wise up?
iTunes is currently playing: Prelude To The End Of The Game from the album Brand New Day by Sting.